Tees Pumping station
Alan, Kathryn, Katie, Sonya, Abbey

Martin gave the guests a brief history of the location and then Alan did the welcome talk.

We moved onto take the group photos and conduct the white light in the pumping station room.

Pumping Station room
All team members

After the white light all the guests were encouraged to spread across the room. To begin the session we all stayed quiet to become a custom to the noises. There was a lot of car noise interference however we were able to adjust to the environment. During the calling out drips of water were occurring constantly. One of the volunteers checked the valves and there was no water dripping. Lots of bangs were heard but most of all within the room guests and team members were physically been affected. They felt sick, light headed, couldn't breathe and a tight chest. One of the guests was affected so much with feeling sick that she had to leave the room. There was a sense that we were not alone but it was difficult to engage who it was, however there were definitely male spirits in there. One of the guests said they felt as though a male spirit had his fingers cut off and along the other side of the corridor another guest said they felt as though a spirit had their hand cut off. Some interesring evidence in here, the tie had flown and it was time for a break.

After the break we split into 2 smaller groups.

Alan, Katie, Abbey
The room with the furnace.

K2, cat balls, rem pod, music box

Most of the guests went up the stairs to sit on the pumps. There were k2 spikes. Alan put 2 cat balls on the ladders and one of the cat balls went off a couple of times. The temperature kept fluctuating from cold to freezing. Cold breezes were felt. Alan could sense a male spirit that could have possibly been the man in charge however we did not get a definite answer. After a time the energy increased and noises were heard and also things were seen. The rem pod went off and continued to go and off for a short time then suddenly the whole rem pod went off, the power had been drained by who we do not know.

Engine room
Cat balls, k2, rem pod

Alan put new batteries in the rem pod. We made our way up to the top floor. Everyone spread across the floor. A cat ball was put on top of the stairs which lit up several times. The k2 spiked a couple of times to. With new batteries in the rem pod was good to go however it wouldn't work again. We made our way downstairs and again spread out whispers were heard among the drips of water. Was it the water or a voice? Everyone who heard the voice said it sounded male and were adamant this is what they were hearing. Several guests said the same. A male whisper was also heard. Alan decided it would be a good time to conduct an evp session. On review of the evps there was one piece of compelling evidence which was a whistle. This was heard by a guest with their own ears. Time was running away with us and we wanted to go to the cottage.

Cottage, upstairs bedroom

K2, table, crystal and board, senses

All the guests sat around the table read to do table tipping. Guests were encouraged to call out to spirit to move the table it took a while but then the table began moving and got more forceful due to the questions and then out of the blue it stopped and did not continue. It was established that the room belonged to twin girls and one of them was called Emily. They died young due to an illness. They were brought up by their grandfather because unfortunately their mother died in child birth. Emily does not feel alone. Emily liked we were there.
It was time to say good night to spirits as the night had drawn to a close.

The tees pump station was a pleasure to investigate we may not have got many answers to questions but many guests felt a presence and had physical impressions occur. This location has more to offer and I am excited to find out more about the history.

Tees Cottage

Katie & Alan’s Group
Boiler Room
Rempod, K2, cat balls, Alice box

The guests positioned themselves on the upper and lower levels and immediately there were taps coming from the back of the upper level, coupled with hits on the K2. We asked if we had a worker from the station with us, and the group all commented that the atmosphere had gone freezing cold, we asked spirit if they could communicate through any of the lights equipment so we may ask them about their life, and time at the station. A cat ball placed on the steps flashed, along with a hit on the K2. Shortly after, the rempod triggered and was affected on and off for around 30 seconds. Upon checking, the battery which had been fresh in had completely drained. The cold atmosphere continued and Alan said he felt that the spirit was something of a joker, and didn't want to answer questions, but play around with the equipment. He certainly made himself known by shadow form with several of us seeing him around the boiler doors, tapping around the room and spiking the K2. One guest was getting K2 hits on response to questions, especially when we mentioned the joker element. At one stage, there was what appeared to be a tap on the table next to two guests who were seated against the wall. We tried a quick Alice box session which gave the words ‘rage’, ‘maid’ and ‘mean’ but this was a bit confusing. As it was time to move on, we thanked spirit and moved on to the next room.

Engine Room
Cat balls, Alice box, EVP recorder, rempod

Just as we were about to make our way up the stairs to the top floor a loud bang could be heard. We made our way up and set up the rempod (now with another new battery!), cat balls (one at the top of the stairs and another on top of a machinery switch) and a K2 around the machinery. Hits on the cat ball (stairs) and rempod were closely followed by female voices murmuring, and also taps around the room. One of the site volunteers mentioned that this space was mainly used for servicing the machinery. Alan said there would have been men making sure the parts were lubricated and the cat ball that was on the machinery switch was then triggered. At this point, there was a bang downstairs, and guests confirmed it had been a bang on the door. We reconvened downstairs as a group and set up the EVP recorder as several guests stated they could hear a male voice. When asking for their name, what sounded like 'Bob' could be heard. Playing back the recorder, what sounded like a breathy sigh could be heard. On further playback, a two tone whistle was clearly heard. To see if we could build on this, we set up the Alice box in the older section of the room. A pumping station volunteer sat in a particular place as she felt she might know who it could be coming through. The box came out with 'spot' and we asked if Rosie was in his spot where he would sit. Rosie told the group a story of a painter who had been caught in the machinery and decapitated, so confirmed that a life had been tragically lost in this space. Time was whizzing by, so we had to end our session and head over to the cottage to see what we could uncover in there. So far, it had been an interesting night.

Upstairs, the Cottage (room was previously a bedroom)
Table tipping, crystal work, K2

Guests sat at the table and we encouraged spirit to come forward. It was felt that we had the energy of a little girl with us, and that she had been a twin. Hits on the K2 and vibrations through the table seemed to confirm this. The name 'Emily' came into mind and this was confirmed with a big spike on the K2, followed by the table beginning to vibrate very strongly. We encouraged spirit to use the energy and try and lift the table, and just as quickly as it happened, the table stopped dead. It was noticed by Katie that one of the curtains next to the window was moving when the activity was at its height.

We took out the crystal board to try and uncover more, and it appeared that Emily was still with us, confirmed she had been a twin. She was brought up by her grandparents after her mother had passed away during childbirth. She told us her grandad had been a very nice, and kind man. She confirmed he was the Commissioner. She had stayed at the cottage during the 1910-1920 timeframe, and it was confirmed that this fitted with some of the history that is known.

Time had gone so quickly and it was the end of the investigation, so we thanked spirit and asked if she would like us to go back, a big resounding spike on the K2 suggested she would like that very much! An interesting session, and a great evening at this wonderful location, not one to be missed as there are clearly more life stories to uncover at Tees Cottage Pumping Station.

Kathryn and Sonya’s group.
The Entrance/ musuem room.

We spread out around the room in a semi circle using the chairs in the room and one guest in the middle started using the dowsing rods. It was slow to start with but the energy picked up when we realised Nancy had followed us over from the forman’s cottage.
This time her dad was with us too but he wasn’t too happy to talk to us.
Using the rods we were able to establish that Nancy was the little girl who unfortunately drowned in one of the water tanks outside at the age of 7.
Her dad was very protective of her but Mum wasn’t with them at the museum. When we tried to question Dad about where Mum was the energy really picked up.
We then realised that when Dad was answering “yes to a question he would move the rod in the guests right hand and when Nancy was answering “yes” she would move the left one.
We had told the child trying communicating with us in the cottage that we would bring them a bear to play with if they followed us and she would also light up the bear at the same time the left rod moved.
Dad would light up a cat ball the same time he moved a rod too.
The energy was really strong around another guest who reminded Nancy of her Mum but Dad wouldn’t entertain the resemblance at all.
They especially liked it when we were laughing and joking amongst ourselves as a group.
We thanked them and told them they were more than welcome to come with us to another part of the museum.

The Beam engine room.
Equipment: K2, cat ball, and Bear.

In this area some of the guest went up onto the second floor with one of the volunteers and they interacted with a man named George using the cat ball.
Downstairs another volunteer started up some of the equipment to try and stir up the energy and creat a working conditions.
A cupboard door swung open in front of the guests that had ti be unlocked with a key that we were assured was locked earlier in the day after the museum closed. We put the bear on top of the cupboard and called out again.
We quickly established that Nancy eas back with us and that she opened the cupboard door infornt of us all.
As it was comming to the end of the night we explained to her that we had to go but we would come back soon, and that she probably go to bed.
She was still lighting up the bear and the K2 all the way up to red.
We decided to sing her a little nursery rhythm as a bed time song and then she had to go.
A group of sang “twinkle twinkle little star” with the equipment going off and flashy constantly.
As soon as we had finished all the energy went and the equipment stopped.
We bid the spirits goodnight and headed back to base camp in the cottage.

Master bedroom
Kathryn and sonya
Music box door activity throughout
K2 filing cabinet no activity
K2 table small flash re question child
Cat ball table activated question by child /older male
Cat ball table on corner, no activity
Ouiji board with shot glass no activity

After the group completed White Light and group call out in the main gas pump room, we split into 2 teams
Our group went to superintendent house upstairs

In the upper master bedroom, we set up a music box in the doorway, which almost straight away activated throughout the vigil as if someone came into and out of the room. Guests felt a person walking in and out and around the dining table at times, hearing footsteps, or feeling footsteps / vibrating floor like child running into the room

As guests sitting with the ouji board calling out the music box also triggered with Cat ball as we asked if small child /little girl

We had responses from a small child running into a room around the table , playful

Guests were getting names such as harriett. The little girl could not use the ouiji to spell her name or age.

It went quieter, and the atmosphere changed where heavier presence , heavier footsteps, and bangs outside room. We checked to ensure no one was there in the corridor or stairway downstairs

Getting an older male presence again walking around setting off the music box and cat ball not interacting Ouiji

Strict stern impression felt
Prob father child and the superintendent

. A guest sitting far side table beside the closed up fireplace felt a good sharp shove of her chair, and other guests could feel the male presence standing behind them, watching

The music box continued to set off, and the child returned

. We felt they were together, father and daughter. superintendent and small child of the house

We closed down the ouji board and thanked them for their time and that we would bringing a bear if the little girl would like to visit us later, cat ball lit up thanked her as closed down to leave