Castle Keep - Friday 1st April 2022

Castle Keep -
Chris carried out the introduction and did the white light protection in the main hall. Chris left to carry out live. Stephen and Colin then lead the group by calling out, a few guests said they saw shadow figures and movement on the 1st landing above the great hall. We had interaction with a spirit lady called Elizabeth who was a worker in the kitchen using the K2. Chris came back and we split between the 3 levels,
Stephen’s group -
A lady named Louise was a skeptic, so we decided for her to carry out a lone vigil in one of the rooms leading from the main hall armed with a K2. She informed us that she had, had interaction with “Elizabeth “ in the room, and was so thankful.


After the break we split into groups.

Stephen’s group -

We proceeded down armed with a K2 and touch sensitive bear and settled in the dungeon . We called out to spirit, but not getting any response. We decided that a lady called Clare from our group, carried out a lone vigil in the chapel. We continued to call out but no responses. We then joined Clare in the chapel and called out. We got on demand responses on the touch sensitive bear. We believe that we was communicating with a spirit gentleman named William who was known as a Scottish traitor, who got tortured along with his wife and children and he had witnessed seeing this happen to his family and they died from the injuries. Chris joined us for a short while, then we had another short break.
We all returned as one group back in the chapel, and a few guests went off on lone vigils by themselves. We tried the spirit board, but no response. We tried table tipping and slightly rocking back and forth. We thanked spirit and wrapped up for the night.

Colin’s Group - 

After the break we split into 2 groups. I took half of the guests up to the unfinished stairs. Multiple guests picked up a shadow peaking around the balcony earlier in the investigation so we thought this would be a great area to investigate, we used a K2 and a bear. We indentified with asking questions towards the K2 that we were dealing with a potential joker or prankster and he seemed to be amused by pulling guests hair. There was two instances of hair pulling in this location last night. Chris joined us on the unfinished stairs, we continued to call out recieving very little response until a number of guests heard a voice say “GET OUT” There was a mix of feelings whether this was a male or female speaking. This was followed by a bright beam of white light, we tried to debunk this as an accidental torch flash but the light shape and intensities were completely different. We moved down into Great Hall as we had requests to use the mirror and spend time in the prison cell. Within the prison cell, we started calling out simple questions to identify who we with us by using a K2, Pendulum and REM Pod. A guest picked up the name Mary Roberts so we asking some closed questions to narrow down what the significance of this could be. Activity dropped for around ten minutes until scratches and grazes appeared on Helen’s neck and my Head. We then rejoined the other group downstairs and concluded the night together in the chapel room

A huge thank you to all our guests who joined us and for their energy throughout the night. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.