Castlegate Shopping Centre – 15th January 2022


Robbie’s Write Up

castlegate shopping centre. Our team consisted of myself,chris,cam and our trialist colin. So our night began at castlegate shopping by welcoming the guest in to the shopping centre where chris did his speech to the guests. We then proceeded down to the market hall where cam did the white light protection with our guest’s. We then proceeded to do some calling out in the market sqaure where we got very little activity after numerous attemps of contacting the spirits of castle gate we then proceeded to move to the upper floor of the building as one big group cam and chris led the group in the corridor .When we were in the long tunnel/corridor, Cam & Colin began calling out and immediately received responses in the k2 device. There was nothing on this level which could interfere/cause our responses.
We were all hearing noises coming from a back room/area of where we were so moved into that location. We continued with our questions and quickly discovered that this spirit was linked to the ruins of the original castle that the shopping centre was built on. Spirit didn’t like us being in that area. We asked for them to make a noise if they wanted us to leave and go back to the previous area, we immediately got a response so honoured spirits wishes and left that area.
We continued with the call out session and using the K2, Cam asked if there is something buried in the other area and if they’re guarding it, the K2 lit up very strongly. We asked if he was guarding bones, no response. We changed this to ‘treasure’, the k2 lit up straight away.
The rest of the guests joined us and we continued with the call out. Cam asked if there was a sword buried, the K2 lit up again.
We asked if spirit was linked to the Brigantes, another spike on the K2.
The atmosphere changed and we all heard a moan, like a monk/priest. When asked if they were a monk, the K2 lit up again.
We also had a young girl make her presence known and told us via the K2 that she was protecting us from spirit in that location. Throughout this, we could see shadows moving through the tunnel/corridor.
After another 10mins of calling out and no responses, we decided to break.When we were in the long tunnel/corridor, Cam & Colin began calling out and immediately received responses in the k2 device. There was nothing on this level which could interfere/cause our responses.
We were all hearing noises coming from a back room/area of where we were so moved into that location. We continued with our questions and quickly discovered that this spirit was linked to the ruins of the original castle that the shopping centre was built on. Spirit didn’t like us being in that area. We asked for them to make a noise if they wanted us to leave and go back to the previous area, we immediately got a response so honoured spirits wishes and left that area.
We continued with the call out session and using the K2, Cam asked if there is something buried in the other area and if they’re guarding it, the K2 lit up very strongly. We asked if he was guarding bones, no response. We changed this to ‘treasure’, the k2 lit up straight away.
The rest of the guests joined us and we continued with the call out. Cam asked if there was a sword buried, the K2 lit up again.
We asked if spirit was linked to the Brigantes, another spike on the K2.
The atmosphere changed and we all heard a moan, like a monk/priest. When asked if they were a monk, the K2 lit up again.
We also had a young girl make her presence known and told us via the K2 that she was protecting us from spirit in that location. Throughout this, we could see shadows moving through the tunnel/corridor.
After another 10mins of calling out and no responses, we decided to break.After break, we split into groups.
Cam & Colin went to the ‘mothercare’ area down near the loading bay (cams group )We took with us a rem bear, sb7 and a and chris lead our group down to the cafe with a few bits of equipment. (cams group)We began calling out and we could all see shadow people moving back and forth at the end of the room where we entered. The door was closed so we knew it wasn’t the other group.
Colin had found a tennis ball and decided to place this on top of the traffic cone in there, and called out asking if spirit could use all of our energy to push the ball off the cone. This didn’t happen so we concentrated on the smaller shadow figure.
The rem bear was on the shelf and we thought perhaps it was too high so Colin moved it to the floor where we were hearing lots of footsteps.
We were all sat on the floor so we knew the footsteps and shuffling weren’t from us.
The rem bear went of twice but then a large, broad shadow person appeared to the right, near the bear. The atmosphere changed.
Cam asked if they worked there, no response. Then asked if they were linked to the original castle, movement heard. We then asked if they were part of an army invading the castle, a stone was thrown and landed next to Cam.
When we repeated the question and asked for confirmation and if they were ‘held’ captive, another object was thrown, it sounded bigger and more force.
We heard a whistle from the area behind where we were sitting so placed the rempod there. Nothing from the rempod but a third object was again thrown at us.

We stayed for a further 15mins but activity quietened down so we went to see how the other group were doing.chris and me where on the upper floor of the cafe with our guest we placed numerous devices on the floor such as wendy our emf doll a rem pod,our light up bear and our glow in the dark balls chris started by calling out on the cafe upper floor where we started getting some great responses the glow in the dark balls where moving on there own our teddy bear was going of wnedy was lighting up we got a a spirit through called christine and another spirit through called the lieutenant the balls where moving on demand when comunicating with both spirits. we then where met by cams group the proceeded to have a break and swap locations .(cams group)A final last break was had and Cam & Colin took their guests to the area where the other team had been.
We placed the rem bear in the centre of the room and started calling out. The rempod was also on the floor.
The rem bear lit up many times, we thought we may have been interacting with a child. We heard lots of whistles and the door creaking as if being opened.
myself and chris proceeded to take the group down to the mother care part of the building where we where met with some great experience we hear the hum of what sounded to be a child and we had what sounded like a stone chucked at us the followed by a polythene pipe chucked behind us it was quite a scare for some of us but the activity was amazing we then decided to head up stairs as it was time to wrap up our amazing event .(cam)It was a brilliant, final night at Castlegate. We explained to the spirits what was happening with the building and wished them peace.