English Heritage - Top 5 Most haunted sites

5 most haunted English Heritage sites

If you're looking for tales of history at its most gruesome, a trip to Farleigh Hungerford Castle packs a sinister punch. As well as the execution of two family members in the 15th century, the notorious Lady Agnes Hungerford is believed to have murdered her husband before burning his body in the castle bread oven so that she could marry the lord of the castle, Sir Edward Hungerford.
And if you like things even more macabre, there are eight human-shaped lead coffins in a crypt under the chapel. These rare survivals date from the second half of the 17th century.

Is Berry Pomeroy the most haunted castle of all? It's got the lot when it comes to cold spots, feelings of fear, pressure on the temples, strange noises and lights and the usual spectral black hound. Real dogs hate being walked near the castle. There's also many stories of cameras ceasing to work and film coming out fuzzy or blank.
More sinister is the ghost of a woman named Matilda known as the White Lady, who was said to have been imprisoned by her sister and starved to death in the room at the base of the St Margaret's Tower.

The scene of many bloody sieges, Carlisle Castle is often said to be plagued by restless spirits as well as being the site of gruesome events from history.
It has it's fair share of chilling secrets, one of which is revealed in a room used as a dungeon during the Jacobite Rising in the 18th century. In here, you can find the 'licking stones' - stones in the castle walls that were licked by desperate prisoners trying to obtain some moisture in the cramped conditions.

According to a legend that may have originated in the 17th century, every night at midnight the ghost of Lady Howard travels from Okehampton Castle to her old home in Tavistock, in a coach made from the bones of her former husbands.
The coach is driven by a headless coachman, and a skeletal hound follows behind. Some believe that she has an eternal task, to remove all the grass from around the castle, just one blade at a time.

The forbidding ruins of Whitby Abbey are famous for their bloodcurdling connections. But did you know that the abbey harbours a dark secret from long before the time of Bram Stoker's Dracula?
A young nun, Constance de Beverley, broke her sacred vows when she fell in love with a gallant knight called Marmion. When the other nuns found out her secret, her punishment was to be bricked up alive in the walls of a building. Today, it is said that her ghost can be seen at the site of Whitby Abbey, cowering and begging to be released.
Legend also says that a phantom choir can be heard on the 6 January every year at dawn - the old Christmas Day.

English Heritage have many more haunted locations you can visit.

Head over to there website here where you can become a member for a full year from £53 where you can gain access to over 400 historical sites and there gruesome stories.