Elmwood Community Centre 30/12/23
Clare, Ged, Kate, Abbey

After set up, the team spent a little time doing a quick walk around before doing a call out in the main hall. It seemed as though the evening was going to be promising when Clare and Ged both saw shadow figures moving around and we all heard a groan that none of us could explain. As we were approaching start time, we returned to the bait room and welcomed the guests before returning to the main hall to begin the evening.
Ged completed the white light protection and Clare headed off to do her live. We encouraged the guests to get comfortable and we began calling out to spirit who had obviously made their presence known shortly beforehand. Despite the promising start to the night, the hall remained void of any responses, though a few people thought they could see shadows near the doorway that led into the conservatory. Rob felt this was the gentleman who spent his time roaming the bottom floor but he was likely interacting with Clare more. Twilight the dog appeared to be sensing something in the room throughout our time in there, but it was definitely something the humans couldn’t see! After a significant amount of time with no responses, flashing lights could be seen under the doorway to the conservatory and through the windows at the end of the hall. Thinking it may have been Clare, Kate, Abbey and Rob went to investigate, only to find it was the Christmas tree in the lights in the small seating area which appeared to have turned themselves on. There was no evidence of the lights being plugged into a timer and the lights were standard push button operation. Clare had also come to investigate the lights, making it evident she hadn’t switched them on either.
Kate, Abbey and Rob returned to the main hall and told the guests what we had found. We continued to call out in the main hall until 10.30 but again, no responses were forthcoming so we went for a break before moving to a different area of the building.
After a coffee, the team spread out along the length of the main corridor and set equipment up from one end to the other. Despite spending a significant amount of time calling out, the only responses we got were the REM bears lighting up. As much as we tried, we couldn’t get them to light up in response to any questions and it seemed that spirit was just enjoying watching them light up.
Most of the guests agreed to try a human pendulum whilst others did their own line investigations in the rooms off the hallway. A lady was “picked” by spirit to go in the middle and Ged and Kate began asking questions. Through both the lady in the centre of the circle and the K2 machine on the floor, we ascertained that we were talking to a gentleman named Harry who had apparently been part of the armed forces and he had a connection to the building. Clare asked if this was the gentleman who appeared drawn to her and Harry confirmed he was. After several questions, Harry confirmed that he and Clare had known each other in a former life and this was why he was drawn to her. According to the narrative he gave, Clare had been a nurse who had cared for him before killing him and she had turned out to be a serial killer! We asked spirit if he was messing with us and again, he confirmed he was. Clare was obviously most disappointed that she actually WASN’T a serial killer in a former life!
As the end of the night was approaching, everyone returned to the main hall to see if we could encourage the spirits of the building back into there to communicate with us. As before, no responses were forthcoming and the area remained silent.
It was definitely a strange night at Elmwood Community Centre and everyone who has been before, all commented on how quiet it was compared to normal. Maybe spirit needed a night off or just wasn’t feeling it on this occasion! As always, Elmwood, it was a pleasure.

Elmwood centre:
Team members Claire ,Kate,Ged,Abbey .
Claire welcomed the guests a few regulars and a few virgins ( and a few sceptics ).
Ged completed the white light and we started the night.
As Kate and Abbey have done such a brilliant job of being as concise as possible over the event all I can add is, we were all taken aback by the sudden turning on of the Christmas lights and during a break and moving to another area Ged asked all the guests to investigate the light scenario to prove there was no interference from the team and it remained a mystery !

The human pendulum was very interesting and due to the amount of very strong K2 hits confirming the questions we were asking Harry (spirit was very devious) and we realised after a while he was leading us a dance a spirit named Charlie name given by a guest also engaged really well , after this activity ended with lots of hits in the corridor as well although a movement detector and a few toy cars remained in place and didn’t activate.
Overall a quiet night for Elmwood but hopefully not too quiet some who arrived sceptics after speaking to them had a change of mind as they couldn’t explain how the human pendulum worked and where amazed by what they’d witnessed !
Good effort team as I always say we can only work with what we get and a lot of the guests were very quiet.

Elmwood Community Centre 30/12/2023

Team: Ged, Clare, Kate and Abbey 

Once the equipment and refreshments were set up the LVI team conducted a walk through of the building. We finished off in the msin hall explaining to thd spirits what are intentions were. We the let in the guests.
Tonight we had a special guest attend our mascot Twighlight. Clare explained to the guests about Twighlights role. Clare began the night explaining to the guests about the expectations of the night. There were several first time guests and some were sceptics. After this we all went into the main hall where Ged conducted the white light protection.
Clare went to do her lone vigil whsr the rest of the team stayed in the main hall with the guests. The questions to the spirits were led by Ged. Nothing came through on the k2 meter. A couple of the guests began coughing Ged asked them if they had been coughing before they entered the hall. They replied no. Several guests said they kept seeing shadows near the door leading towards the conservatory. Soon after this, it was noticed that lights had come on in the adjacing room to the conservatory. Kate, Rob and Abbey went to investigate. Astonishingly the Christmas lights were on, on the Christmas tree however these were not on during the walk through. What was even more strange we could not find how to switch them off.
Once we had tried to figure out how the lights were turned on and didn't get anywhere we rejoined the group. The main hall was quiet, Twighlight was agitated a couple of times and had cuddles off her Dad, she kept staring into the same direction for ages as though she could sense something.
It was time for a coffee after a quiet session u the main hall.
Once everyone had, their refreshments we stayed together as a group and went into the corridor. One of the guests went and did a lone vigil. Ged lead the questions, bender the robot moves a couple of times and made nosies, there were no direct responses to the questions asked. The spirits that did come forward preferred to interact with the group by the teddy bears. These went off quite often. Nothing happened on the stairs or within that particular area.
A couple of the guests said they could see the teddy bears extremities move now and again.
The next activity was to conduct z human pendulum. The spirit chose a guest to be the pendulum quite quickly. The spirit was able to identify which way the guest would need to sway to answer yes or no. Everytime the spirit answered a question the k2 would also spike. Near the end of the experiment the k2 went up into the red zone, this occurred when the spirit was asked serious questions. The experiment was successful and we manged to get a name Harry and that he was in the forces. Harry told a wonderful story about how Clare reminds him of someone from a past life. The results ended up explaining that he knew Clare from a past life, she was a nurse and a serial killer. The spirit was asked if he was playing with us as he has done this in the past.
The final part of the investigation concluded in the main hall again. As before there were no hits on the k2 device however there were lots of interactions from the bears. Again even though the bears were lighting up after responding to questions asked, this did not occur everytime. Shadows were seen, was this the trick of guests eyes?
All in all Elmwood community centre was quiet tonight, could this because of the energy? It is a mystery.
The evening at Elmwood community centre was for an investigation quiet.