EXCLUSIVE KIPLIN HALL - Saturday 16th December 2023

Kiplin Hall report

We started the evening with our introduction talk, followed by the group photo and white light protection meditation.

Library (All guests and team members)
Equipment used: intuition, cat balls

With the guests positioned around the library and the lights out, we started our investigation. Initially, we adjusted our senses to the dark and stillness of the room and asked any spirits to come forwards and give us a sign they were with us. For the first few minutes there was little activity and then one guest sensed we had a male who was quite portly and had large sideburns. She explained that he was quite an introverted character and although could sense us and see us did not want to make his presence known. Another guest smelled a floral scent and this was picked up by a few other people. We had placed some cat balls in various parts of the room but these did not trigger in the time we spent there. When we were discussing Who this gentleman was, It was suggested that he was in authority and didn't take any orders from other people. As this was mentioned there was a loud tap on one of the windowsills where three guests were sitting. This happened again as we continued in the same line of questioning on another windowsill. Another guest picked up on a dog possibly a lurcher type breed or some kind of hound. We had little more activity so decided to finish up in the library and split the guests into two teams.

Alan and Michael
Bedroom 1
Equipment used rem pod. K2. Cat Ball. Touch bear, music box.
We placed k2 on the bed, the rem pod in the door way, and dotted cat balls around the room. Some guests were using their own k2s and we started calling out. A shadow was seen underneath the table about the size of a large rat, so we placed the cat balls in its path but we had no response from this. When we were talking amongst ourselves, the strangest thing happened- we all heard a servents bell ringing so we asked the servants to come and join us. This was captured on a guests phone who was recording for EVP’s. We had a few responses from taps and thudding but nothing on the equipment.

Lady Talbots room.
Equipment; K2, rem pod, cat balls, glow in the dark ball.
We placed a k2 on the bed and it started to flicker straight away so we asked if we had been joined by lady Talbot - the k2 flickered quickly but then went quiet. After 20mins in this room encouraging activity, we decided to move on, but as we left the room, there was a quiet tap from the dresser. Could this have been Lady Talbot acknowledging us?

Drawing/parlour room

Guests formed a circle around the table in the middle of the room to build up the energy. We invited spirit to come into the circle and ‘manipulate’ a person by pushing them forwards or backwards. Some guests got the feeling that there was a shadow figure in the door way watching us and other guests got the feeling they were swaying slightly. The idea was to conduct a human pendulum but no matter how we tried, we had no direct contact with spirit.

War room
Equipment: Glow in the dark ball, OUIGA board,cat balls.

We placed a glow in the dark ball on the table and cat balls around the room. Without recounting previous activity that had been experienced in this room, Alan asked guests to share what they were feeling. In the silence, we all could hear foot steps, quiet taps and a bang. One Guest who was standing in the open door to the bathroom said they felt like they had been pushed. Alan explained this had happened on a previous visit. A couple of the guests went in the bathroom with some going out into the service corridor. Two guests noted that there were noises in the bathroom and they felt quite uneasy. It was decided that we would try a Ouija board session so three guests took part. At first, nothing happened but then he planchet started to turn but just went around in circles and while asking for spirit to come forward, the cat ball started to go of in the door way. When we asked who was on the board with us the planchet just turned around in circles so it was decided to close the board down and go for a quick break.

Michael and 4 guests
Servants corridor - touch bear, cats balls, bells

We called out to spirits of the servants to come and join us. A cat ball went of at one end of the corridor so we asked them to step in to our space and come closer, then the bear went of at the other end of the corridor. Michael rang the bells he had in his pocket and asked the spirit to come towards the bells and the bear illuminated. We did this again just to see if spirits would respond to the bells and after a few minutes we rang the bells and the bear went off again. With no further activity, we decided to go and rejoin Alan in the nursery on the top floor.

Top floor, Nursery
Equipment: crystal and board, cat balls, touch bear, REM bear, K2, table (for tipping exercise), EVP recorder, SP7 spirit box app

We placed both the REM bear and touch bear on the windowsill, a K2meter next to fireplace and a couple of cat balls in various parts of the room. The first thing that happened was the REM bear went off with the alarm constantly sounding. This was switched off and back on but then the same thing happened. We weren’t sure if spirit was taking the energy so turned that one off. With this room being a former nursery, we asked the children to step forward and immediately one of the cat balls started flashing then went silent. We asked if any of the former nannies were with us and again the cat ball started flashing . To try and keep the activity going, we conducted an EVP session and on playback a breathy sound could be heard in response to one of the questions. The group then used an SP7 Spiritbox app and started asking questions. When we asked the name of the child who was with us there was a clear answer of ‘Peter’. The group then clearly heard the name Alan come through, so we encouraged Peter to contact us through a table tipping session Four of the guests then sat round a small table to conduct the session. Alan explained how encouragement and lots of energy can make things happen. When asking out for Peter to come forward, it wasn’t long before one of the guests noticed that the table was shaking slightly. Guests then encouraged spirit to use the energy and make the table tip and the table did start shaking and this really surprised guests. As soon as it had begun it stopped. Further encouragement did not bring any more activity so the group conducted the final session using a crystal and board. A female spirit identified as Peggy came through and said she had worked in the building as a general maid/servant. She showed the year 1849 as when she had passed and told us she was 83 years old. When we asked her to spell her surname she gave the letter M but the rest was quite unclear. She said that she did not live in the building but lived in a village nearby and when one guest asked what is this Richmond the crystal swung to yes.

For the remaining 20 minutes, guests were free to revisit any of the rooms before the end of the evening.

Although we had some quiet periods, Kiplin Hall keeps giving us some excellent activity and we can’t wait till we go back next time.

Kiplin Hall
Alan and Michael B
Bedroom 1
Equipment used rem pod. K2. Cat Ball. Touch bear, music box.
We placed k2 on the bed rem pod in the door way, and dotted cat balls around the room some guests were using there own k2s we started calling out to the spirits of the building and one guest had seen a shadow underneath the table about the size of a large rat, so we placed the cat balls in its path but we had no response from this shadow and when we were talking amongst our self's we herd a servents bell rining so we asked the seevents to come and join us we had a few responses from taps and thudding but nothing on they equipment.
Lady Talbots room.
K2 rem pod cat balls and glow in the dark ball.
We placed k2 on the bed were it started to flicker straight away so we called out to spirit and asked if we had been joined by lady Talbot and the k2 flickered I little bit but not much we spent about 20mins in this room to try and incurage spirits to join us but this room seemed calm.
Next bed room we got the guests to form a circle around the table in the middle of the room to build up the energy in the room so spirits could come and join us, we called out to spirits and some guest got the feeling that there was a shadow figure in the door way watching us and other guests got the feeling they way been pushed backwards and forwards.
We had no direct contact with spirit in this room so we moved on to the next room.
War room
Glow in the dark ball and ouigi board.
We went dark in this room and put glow in the dark ball in the table we called out to the spirit what Allan new of and it wasn't long before we all could here foot steps a taps and bang we asked the male spirit to come and join us and we herd a door handle Wratle , we then decided to open the ouija board up and a fee guest went on it and asked the gentleman to come forward, the planchet started to turn but just went around in circles and while asking for him to come forward the cat ball started to go of in the door way but when we asked who was on the board with us the planchet just turned around in circles so Alan decide to close board down and we went for a quick break.
Michael B and 4 guests servents corridor touch bear. 2 cats balls and some bells
We started to call out to spirits of the servents to come and join us we stayed quite forward while and the cat ball went of at one end of the corridor so we asked them to step in to our space and come closer, then the bear went of at the other end of the corridor, so Michael b rang the bells what he had in his pocket and asked the spirit to come towards the bells and the bear ilumanated so we done it again just to see if spirits would respond to the bells and after a few minutes we rang the bells again and the bear went of bit there was to much noise contamination from the other group we spent about 15 mins in the corridor, then we decided to go and rejoin Alan in the nursery on the top floor.
Over all it was a good night and plenty of activity for guests to get involved.

Kiplin Hall 16/12/2023
Team: Alan, Kathryn, Michael and Colin.

We started the night with Alan giving the welcome chat to the group in the tea room.
We then took the group into the Libary where Kathryn delivered the white light protection to the group before going off to do the live.

Kathryn and Colin’s group.
The Long gallery/ Nursery room.
Equipment: Touch bear, cat balls, spirit talker app snd K2.

We spread out along the gallery and opened the doors to the two smaller rooms at the bottom aswell.
We began to call out and on the app we got the names “Micheal and Daniel” which using the bear we were able to establish were linked to children who were on this level.
We decided to move into the Nursery as we tried to keep the energy from the children going.
We got a lot of responces on all the devices but not in response to any of our questions, apart from when we asked “ do you like the toys we brought for you to play with??”
It was more active when we were talking and laughing and joking between the group, just reminding us that they were there.
There were shadow figures seen by guests next to Kathryn and behind Colin in the room.
We also tried table tipping with one of the tables that was in the room but we didn’t get any responses on it at all, as the children seemed to enjoy the light up equipment more.
There were taps and band heard around the room, and one direct response was then Kathryn knocked 3 times in the table and it came straight back away which everyone in the room heard.
We decided to take a little break before moving onto the middle floor.

The Drawing room/ Bedroom,
The War room and the Bathroom.
Equipment: Cat balls, K2,
For this part of the investigation we decided to split our little team down into smaller groups to spread out across the three rooms.
A group of 4 in the drawing room, 4 in the war room and 2 in the bathroom with Colin.
In the war room we used a glass in the table to go to “yes and no” for responces to questions, briefly a female spirit came onto the table to talk but a spirit of a gentleman came onto the table who we had met before.
He rembered Kathryn and Alan and confirmed he was the spirit that pushed the table at us.
He told us he was involved in WW1 and was unable to serve during WW2 due to to be shot and sustaining an injury but still was able to help from the base.
He told us that the reason he likes Alan so much is that it reminds him of a “special friend” that he once had in his life but was unable to be with properly.
The gentleman wouldn’t admit if they were together now or not due to the fear of still being found out.
The group of 4 joined us from the drawing room and had advised us they had some interaction using the cat ball.
On re entering the room the told us it had been moved from the original position without lighting up in the room.

We decided to tak a quick break before exploring the bottom floor.

The Dining room
Equipment: K2, touch bear and cat balls.
We placed the bear on the table and the rest of the cat balls dotted around the room.
Almost immediately we got a response on the bear when we talked about the energy of children being in the room on other investigations.
There was also rattling on the door handle on the main door to the room and activity on the cat balls.
There was a feeling of someone walking around the room as it would get darker and then lighter again even in the pitch black of the room.

The night came to an end and we collected the equipment and headed back to base camp.