Kiplin Hall, 28/10 - Stephen’s Write Up
So the night began with us meeting the guests and Chris carrying out the introduction. We had a mixed bag of believers and sceptics, which is a good thing. We started out in the main room downstairs by carrying out the white light protection, we then proceeded into introducing ourselves to spirit, by calling out. Some people believed that a gentleman was with us, so we followed this. Guests were saying they felt a cold breeze around them, then another guest Charlie said he got the names Thomas and Charlotte and the word witchcraft on his word app. We followed this by calling them out, then there was a loud deep groan, which everyone heard. We continued with this but didn’t get much more than a few knocks. We then decided to take a break and refresh. After the break we decided to split the group.
Stephen’s group

We went upstairs to the top floor on the servants landing. We used a rem pod and rem bear as trigger objects. We called out asking for spirit to join us and to give us their stories. We didn’t get anything, so decided to check out the other rooms on this level. We called out to spirit in the room with the large ship. Angela called out for Charlotte to come forward, as we believed that a child spirit was with us. When Angela called out we had interaction with the rem bear. She liked playing with the bear and was happy to be playing on her own, she had a brother and sister but liked being able to play on her own. The interaction then stopped and we didn’t get anything else in any of the other rooms. We then decided to take a break. After the last break we went onto the first floor. We used the illuminated balls and placed them in the servants corridor. We called out asking for help to move the balls and guests were saying they could see them moving and rolling back and forth. I asked if any of the guests would like to sit in any of the rooms by themselves and call out. Alex and Harriet did this and Louis sat in the middle of the corridor. We didn’t get any responses, so decided to go into the room with the RAF artefacts. We called out to spirit and to the gentleman who we had spoken to before on previous visits and we got nothing at all. A few guests carried out their own lone vigils, but didn’t get any more activity. We decided to call it a night and thanked spirit for interacting and letting us be there.
Kiplin hall was very quiet last night and not much activity. As we know from previous visits, this place is normally rocking, but was very different last night. Still, I do love this place. 

Thank you to all guests who attended and look forward to seeing you again soon