Harraton Old Miners - Friday 6th May 2022


The team set up in the room at the back of the main hall, once the guests arrived Chris introduced the rest of the team and gave the welcome talk to everyone.
Everyone then went into the main hall and formed a circle, Kathryn then explain and delivered the white light protection to the group.
Chris had set up tables in the middle of the hall with candles on them for a seance.
Everyone took a seat and we began to call out to the spirits of the building.
We immediately got taps, bangs, and footsteps from the back right hand corner of the hall.
One of the guest volunteered to sit in the corner and there was noticeable temperature changes in the room during this.
Kathryn pointed out that there seemed to a shadow of a man, as it was very large in the doorway to the left hand side of the main stage, straight away other memebers of the group said they were seeing the same shadow move in the corridor as if pacing from side to side. Kathryn also felt a huge cold blast of air go down her left side from her cheek to her hand once she mentioned the shadow in the doorway.
One of the guests asked if they could sit up on the stage as they were feeling drawn to it, and we asked if another guest would volunteer to stand in the doorway to see if they could pick anything up from being in the energy.
Chris put the rem pod bear in the back corner where we were heading the noises and the two touch sensitive bears at either side of the stage, immediately the one on the left hand side of the stage started to light up in response to questions.
Some of the guests asked if we were able to swap the bears over and again it light up on the other side of the stage.
The bear that was placed on the left hand side did not light up so we switched off the other bear at the request of the guests.
The guest that was standing in the door meant came back to join the group, she said that she felt as if she was being pulled backward towards the room where we had set up base camp.
She also felt like her arms were so heavy that they were made of stone. She also got the names George and Jeffery in her mind.
Other guests in the hall felt as if there was a spirit of a man called John with us as well.
We all put our hands on the tables to try and build up the energy again and some guests said they could fell the tables vibrating, and then the guest that had been standing in the doorway burst out laughing.. which made the rest of the group laugh as well.
We decided to take a break as some guests that had been running late arrived to join the group.
We then went in to the bar area at the side of the main hall which had huge padded sofas and we set up for a human pendulum.
The spirits picked a member of the group to go into the middle of the circle and we estamblished back for yes and forward for no.
We established we were speaking to a female spirit, who did not like what we were doing there for the evening and did not like us being there.
She did not die in the building but potentially worked in the build during her life.
Her husband, who we established his name as George, worked down the mine but did not die in the mine.
They had two children, two sons, one of which did die in the mine.
The other child died later in his life and one of her children was called John.
We were able to find out that she died in her 40’s, she smoked , as did her husband and that this caused her to have a lung condition and she passed away from TB.
She told us that she likes to make herself known to the staff in the building and has been seen before.
Her husband and children are in the hulking but she doesn’t see them but she would like too.
The questions started to get unanswered so we broke up the circle and Chris used the portal app in his phone. We had to move Wendy away as it was setting her off.
Kathryn reported seeing a huge light move right across the arch way from left to right roughly the size of a football.
Other lights were seen not only in the room but also in the archway again.
We were still unable to establish the name of the lady and if we were communicating with her again and we had some words and phrases come through the app that sounded as if they had a scottish accent.
When Chris stated to talk about the lady, and an incident that we weren’t meant to know about, one of the touch sensitive bears that had been left on the tables in the main hall light up so much that it lit up the entire room.
It did this 3 times.
We also heard footsteps, taps and bangs in response to us talking about the information we were trying to match up with the information we got during the human pendulum.
We decided for the last hour of the evening that we would spilt up and Chris took a small group into the room upstairs.
While Kathryn, Rebecca and Diane stayed down in the main hall as some of the guests said they would like to used a talk board.
It was very slow in getting started but we did manage to get the initials “G&T” before the energy seemed to leave the room.
Kathryn and Diane decided to take some of the guests upstairs to join Chris and his group for the last 20 minuets of the investigation, but we didnt get any activity in this area.

Harraton Old Miners hall it was an absolute pleasure and So were our guests…we will see you soon .