Hawick Museum – 20th November 2021
Kathryn’s WRITE UP:
We set up our base in the Scots Gallery which is upstairs at the back of the building, and a fairly new addition to the rest of the grand house where we were due to spend the night.
Once we welcomed all our quests with Chris giving the introduction talk, we all made a huge circle and Alan delivered the white light protection to the group.
We stayed in the room and took advantage of the space that we had.
Several of our guests had thier own K2 meters and they were out on the floor around the circle to see if we could use them to interact with a spirit.
One of our guests was sensitive and started to pick on a nervous energy and kept ringing her hands, this same motion was also being copied by another guest on the opposite side of the circle.
She picked on the energy of a gentleman, who was pacing from one side of the room to another, this prompted me to put a rem pod in the corner she indicated he was spending the most time.
i put it down and walked away and it immediately went off.
Our guest picked up on a name “Mark” and that he was stand off-ish and not very eager to speak with us, and that he was in the corner rocking backwards and forwards.
I had the feeling to like crouch or sit down on the floor far enough from the rem pod so that me being there wouldn’t affect it.
I asked if his name was Mark and the rem pod lit up as a “yes” responces.
I explain what we were there tonight and what we were doing and if he was ok with that and us being in the building, and the rem pod lit up again as a “yes” response.
Our guest picked up on that he had a leg problems during life and possible wore a brace for his condition. When i asked his questions about this I continued to get “yes” responces on the rem pod.
We then decided to leave that area and go out onto the balcony over looking the ground floor.
I explained to Mark that we would be coming in and out of this room during the night but that we would leave him alone for while, and if that was ok? again “yes” response.
We went out onto the balcony area which was also huge and lots of room to spread out, Chris was doing his live session on the floor below, and i placed the same rem pod at the in the behind doorway we came out of…. again it went off but this time not in response to questions asked.
I was on the opposite side of the balcony to the door way we came out of the scots gallery, and there was a thin beam of light shining from under the door, at it seemed to be broken on occasion as if someone was walking backwards and forward across the room inside.
THis was also observed by a team memeber and guests who were closer to the door than myself.
ALan began to call out and there was some infrequent K2 spikes but with Chris being below using his phone to do the live i don’t think we could rule out interference during this session.
We then went back into the Scots gallery, where we had a little break to recharge the investigation batteries before seperating into two small groups.
Myself and Chris stayed on the second floor while the others went downstairs into the education room.
We had some more rem pod activity and blimps on the K2 but only when we mentioned names of people that were related to exhibitions in the Musuem.
Chris was in the opposite side of the staircase at one point and i was fortunate enough to witness a huge flash of white light appear behind him next to an old grandfather clock.
We then decided to all out our hands on a small glass cabinet that was in one of the exhibition rooms with our thumbs and pinky fingers touching to get the energy back up in the room with us, almost straight away i felt a cold hand on my back as if someone was trying to get my attention. I asked the guest that was closest to me if she had touched me and she said no.
We then decided to try the other side of the second floor as the guest who was sensitive was picking up on a energy across the landing.
We headed over with our equipment and we again got K2 blips and the rem pod going off but it was very random, until we placed a K2 at the bottom of the staircase which was leading up to the staff offices.
Our guest picked up on the energy of a Lady who was very sad, praying, who wasn’t treated well by a Man who was very oppressive.
It was almost like she was still scared to speak even in the afterlife about herself and how she passed away in the house.
We moved into another room, where we got to meet the Man who was responsible for making this Lady so unhappy.
Well all held hands and formed a circle around a bench which we placed equipment on in order to try and communicate with themis gentleman.
Again we got limited responces in the K2 doll (wendy) and the rem pod as responces to questions but did not like being asked by a female member of the group.
We asked the make members of our group to call out and the responces seemed to get stronger, so much so that the sensitive guest had to walk away from the area in which we were.
DUring this session of calling out we also had two huge light flashes that lit up the majority of the back wall of the room which was amazing to see.
We were heading into the last hour of the evening so we took a quick break before exploring the Education room ourselves with the spirit box but there was no audible information that came through or any activity on the other equipment in the room.
We then joined the other group up on the second floor for the last little bit of our investigation.
Thank you Hawick… and we will see you again very soon.We then decided to try the other side of the second floor as the guest who was sensitive was picking up on a energy across the landing.
We headed over with our equipment and we again got K2 blips and the rem pod going off but it was very random, until we placed a K2 at the bottom of the staircase which was leading up to the staff offices.
Our guest picked up on the energy of a Lady who was very sad, praying, who wasn’t treated well by a Man who was very oppressive.
It was almost like she was still scared to speak even in the afterlife about herself and how she passed away in the house.
We moved into another room, where we got to meet the Man who was responsible for making this Lady so unhappy.
Well all held hands and formed a circle around a bench which we placed equipment on in order to try and communicate with themis gentleman.
Again we got limited responces in the K2 doll (wendy) and the rem pod as responces to questions but did not like being asked by a female member of the group.
We asked the make members of our group to call out and the responces seemed to get stronger, so much so that the sensitive guest had to walk away from the area in which we were.
DUring this session of calling out we also had two huge light flashes that lit up the majority of the back wall of the room which was amazing to see.
We were heading into the last hour of the evening so we took a quick break before exploring the Education room ourselves with the spirit box but there was no audible information that came through or any activity on the other equipment in the room.
We then joined the other group up on the second floor for the last little bit of our investigation.
Thank you Hawick… and we will see you again very soon.