Jacobs Well – 18th February 2022


Chris, Cam and our trialist welcomed our guests to Jacobs Well in York as we returned.
Prior to our guests arriving, we carried out a call out session live on Facebook and heard 2 very clear female audible moans which were captured on the live and our viewers heard.
When the guests arrived, Chris greeted them and had our welcome talk, while Cam followed by giving the white light protection.
We stayed downstairs and guests remained seated in chairs around the room.
We started the call out and could hear movement upstairs. Guests also reported seeing light anomalies. At one point a very bright light anomaly was witnessed by at least 6 guests and Cam, between Chris and a guest which went from top to bottom. We asked if the lady was wearing a smart watch and had moved her arm. She was wearing a watch but hadn't moved her arm, when she lit her watch it was very small and not as bright as what we had seen. Plus she was seated, as was Chris. What we saw was much higher.
Another strange, floaty light anomaly was seen in the middle of where people were seated. There were no cars going past outside so it was headlights. The curtains were closed.
We had the doll stood on the floor which has a K2 device built in it. We were asking questions around the lady who we had heard before the guests arrived. The lady was happy communicate via the K2 doll but we couldn't establish who she was or why she was still there.
We then called out for a monk. Immediately we received hits on the device. Chris played a monk chant on his phone thinking spirit would like this. Again light anomalies were seen again. Chris turned off the chant and we asked spirit if they were happy with the chant played. Spirit confirmed using taps that they didn't like it. We apologised.
Chris stood in the doorway as we had seen a floaty light anomaly and heard something from that area. He reported feeling strange and said he just wanted to shout 'get out'.
Cam saw a stooped figure at the opposite end of the room, stood in front of one of our males guests. They looked quite stocky in build but were just stood there with arms either side, ready, holding their stance.
We decided to try a human pendulum and this is where things got weird.
Spirit confirmed he was the monk we were communicating with earlier. We established through yes/no questions that the monk had been hiding from someone or a group for something he had done.
All of a sudden the atmosphere changed. Cam saw the figure again, just stood watching, in a different place in the room. Cam turned to her right and the guest standing there did not look like the guest. She looked frail, unhappy and elderly in appearance. Our guest definitely does not normally look like this.
Chris and other guests then reported seeing one of our male guests change in appearance. He was the guest who Cam had seen a figure standing infront of him earlier. Cam said she felt 'closed in' and uncomfortable. At the same time, Chris then got very unnerved and said he could see a figure standing to Cam's left, head tilted, as if ready to right. The light on the TV started flashing on and off.
Cam left the circle and moved to the other end of the room but Chris and the guests said the figure was still there.
Chris stood where Cam had been and immediately reported feeling uncomfortable. We continued asking questions and then decided to recharge with a quick break.
After the break we headed upstairs. Chris had lit 4 candles on the table but when we went up, only 1 remained lit. There was no breeze at all. The guests begun a seance and we heard a few noises on the table. The doorway, which had no door, then went very black as if a black door had been closed, then the rempod in that area went off for quite a long time. We welcomed spirit into the room and continued. We also had one of our guests try mirror scrying. This was the guest who was stood to Cam's right side downstairs, who's appearance kept changing.
Cam reported seeing light from downstairs shine up the wall.
We all heard the latch of a door rattle. The only door upstairs, didn't have a latch. Cam also moved that handle but it wasn't that one. The 2 doors with latches were then main door to the building and the door at the bottom of the stairs. We then realised that Chris had hung the rosary beads on the latch of the door at the bottom of the stairs. He then saw light and when checking, the proximity bear was flashing downstairs.
Chris moved the malmeter to the middle of the stairs and placed the bear at the top of the stairs.
We all moved from the room next to the landing area and all sat on the area at the top of the stairs.
Cam asked if spirit was the monk, the bear illuminated. She then asked if he was trying to take the rosary beads, it illuminated again.
All of a sudden the malmeter started alerting and when Chris checked it, the temperature was going up and down, quite considerably. The rempod became drained again and we had to replace the batteries.
Energy was zapped so we had another quick break and decided to call out to the monk from the room downstairs.
We didn't get much in response this time but when Chris asked for a last final push of a sign, the bear on the stairs lit up for 1 further last time.
We thanked spirit for their communication throughout the night and promised we would return.
Such a quirky little place with quite a bit of subtle activity. We can’t wait to return in September. 

Thank you to all our guests for helping make the night what it was. We are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.