Richmondshire Museum - Friday 18th March 2022


The Gallery/War Room (Everyone)
We carried out a white light protection and then started our call-out with everyone spread about. We started to get responses of taps and thuds so asked spirit to respond using 1 tap for Yes and 2 taps for No. This worked really well.
One of the guests started shaking a lot, but he wasn’t cold and he couldn’t stop it. Then the responses changed. We established that spirit was pushing our guest forward for a Yes response and backwards for a No response, a bit like when we do a human pendulum.
Through our questioning, it was confirmed by spirit that we were communicating with Thomas. He was a miner and was with his son, William, who is 7 years old. Thomas died whilst trying to shield his son. Possibly from a collapse of the mine. We asked if he was grounded or visitation. Thomas confirmed he visited often and there was an object in the museum which drew him there.
After a good 30-40 minutes of communication, Thomas left and we started to get taps from the bottom end of the room where the table and chairs were. We caught on Robbie’s SLS app a figure on the chair and also what appeared to be a small child under the table. We recorded this but no other communication was received.
Wenham Room (Everyone)
We all sat around the table and placed a rem-bear in the centre and started calling out. We received knocks on the table and the rem-bear started going off. Guests reported seeing a shadow and then the rem-bear got very dim. The batteries had been drained. We replaced the batteries and carried on.
We soon realised it was a man who had joined us and there was also a small child. We weren’t getting direct communication as such. Spirit would only respond if one of the men asked a question. Everything asked by a female was ignored. Spirit came across as not a very nice person in his life and confirmed he was horrible to the small child.
Chris joined us, after doing his Live session on Facebook and asked if we had received any names. We had received the names ‘Henry’, ‘Mary’, ‘Thomas’ and ‘William’. One of the other guests kept getting ‘Alderson/Alderman’ coming to them too.
Chris said whilst doing the Live, the names ‘Harold’ and ‘Elsie’ had been mentioned a number of times.
We went for a quick break and split into 2 groups.
The Mining Room (Cam’s Group)
We tried a session using the SB7 spirit box but were hearing more bangs, so decided to do an EVP session. Thomas came back to us and whilst asking questions, the responses were confirmed via the K2 device. We then all heard a childs voice. Im hoping this was on the EVP recording.
Through the questioning, we believe there is a family connection between Thomas and one of our guests.
The Kitchen and Foyer (Cam’s group)
We went into the foyer area as there had been reports of the glass door closing on its own and also objects coming off the shelves. This didn’t happen while we were there.
A couple of guests tried using the dowsing rods and K2 in the Kitchen area. We received a little bit of activity on the K2, especially when we mentioned the beams.
The Veterinary Room & Post Office (Cam’s Group)
We received activity straight away in the Post Office area. We soon realised we were communicating with ‘Elsie Pedley’, the post mistress. Chris received this name on his Live feed. We then discovered one of our guests is Elsie’s relative so a lot of personal messages were received. It was amazing.
We decided to do some table tipping and the activity was brilliant. When one of our guests collected the Table from the Foyer area, where we left it, the glass door had been closed. Chris asked if we had heard a loud bang. Was this the sound of the door closing?
The table movement was incredible. Delicate but so strong. It was on 1 leg at one point but always re-centred when asked. After a brilliant session communicating with Elsie, we were joined again by Thomas and William. They were strong with their communication and also confirmed that the ‘male spirit’ in the Wenham room is not a nice person. Thomas also told us he would not allow William into that room.
We decided to go back into the Wenham Room but had a quick 5 minute break first.
Wenham Room (Cam’s Group)
We sat around the table and the 2 rem-bears were still in the room. The curators were in the room and said the bears hadn’t gone off while we weren’t there. We placed a couple of balls on the table. We started calling out and the bears started to light up. This only happened a couple of times and then we got nothing. The room went very ‘still’ so after discussing a few things with the curators of what we had experienced during the night, we went back to base as we only had 5 minutes left of the night.
Attic (Robbie’s Group)
The guest started calling out in the attic where we started to get some activity coming through. A few of the guests experienced getting pushed. Upon on further calling out we realised a doll in the room had sat up, which it was laid down at the beginning. Upon further investigating the attic we got some knocks coming from the lift.
Textiles room (Robbie’s Group)
We put a few devices down in the textiles room and the guests started to call out and interact with the spirits. We started getting activity coming from lift and our guests where still experiencing getting pushed by the spirit. Chris put on his spirit portal where we received a spirit of a little girl and her dad come through. We received some great responses from the spirits on the device.
War room (Robbie’s Group)
A few of the guests started to interact with the spirits in the room where we caught some evidence on the SLS camera of a spirit sat on a chair in the room. We started contacting spirits through the spirit box and found we were talking to a spirit called Kenny. We got some great responses from Kenny. Upon on further investigating the room, we heard the lift come down to our floor which was great.
Outside of base camp (Robbie’s Group)
A couple of the guests tried a bit of calling out. We received responses of the spirit coming up the steps so we asked the spirit could it just confirm that it was them. It did it again, which was amazing. Attic (Robbie’s Group)
We finished our night of in the attic where the guests were doing the ouija board and calling out. Nothing much came through on the board so we decided to all hold hands and build up the energy in the room. We started calling out again and received some great activity of the spirit. One of our guests got touched twice there was banging coming from the lift.
What an amazing night at Richmondshire Museum, it’s a little gem and spirit were very willing to communicate. Looking forward to a return.