Ghost Hunts only with Lone Vigils Paranormal Investigations - View our Exclusive locations we are lucky enough to bring to you. These EXCLUSIVE most haunted  locations can only be investigated with us. So what are you waiting for. Join us today and enjoy your unforgettable experience, making memories that last forever with our professional and experienced team…in amazing historical locations Exclusive to us…Just for you!

Click each picture to direct you to all the dates - Kiplin Hall, Castle Bolton, Ormesby Hall, Nunnington Hall and many more amazing most haunted locations steeped in History. So what are you waiting for? Book Today 


Kiplin Hall Ghost Hunt Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Kiplin Hall


Ghostly goings-on at the hall are reported to include footsteps and sobbing in a drawing room, a Victorian woman seen on a staircase and a 1940s airman spotted in a kitchen. Many visitors and volunteers have also smelled pipe smoke in an old kitchen and a hint of cologne has been detected in another drawing room.

In the war room, a story uncovered a war veteran who has something to hide and makes unsuspecting guests & team members feel very uneasy. Tables & chairs moving violently along with dark shadows seen, even a little girl has been seen hiding under the chairs in this room.

The library has seen a respectable gentleman very proud of his space with piano keys being played and constant taps around his desk.

The servants corridor serves a menacing feel but has totally the opposite with orbs seen setting off equipment and even a maid with a sad story to tell. Taps and bangs along with crying has been reported by our team & guests alike.

The long gallery has witnessed a full apparition, was this Bridget Talbot a close friend linked to a former family of the hall. Also a darker presence has been felt on this level, with staff being pushed down to the floor along with guests having physical nose bleeds. Is this a negative energy or a misunderstood spirit communicating with us?

Also in the ship room, taps and bangs have been commanded on response along with ghostly footsteps heard by our guests.

What will you uncover when the lights go out??

Castle Bolton Ghost Hunt Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Castle Bolton


This historic castle comes with a very interesting past which is including two unsuccessful exorcisms. These were carried out in Mary Queen of Scots Bedchamber, when Mary was imprisoned here during the 15th century.
Heavy footsteps are often heard upstairs when no one was present, terrifying cries and moans have been heard along with knocks that are unexplainable. The sound of drumming has been heard often. The amount of history addressed to this location is no wonder it’s a plethora of paranormal activity.

Ghost Hunt Ormesby Hall Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Ormesby Hall


Haunted by a young Laundry Maid named Lucy. Lucy was said to have been in a relationship with one of the Pennyman gentlemen, and rumour has it that they would secretly meet in the washroom. The story goes that she became pregnant, and that was when the deatedly deed was done - he attacks her. She suffers a head injury and, heartbreakingly, goes home to die. We think she was around 25 years of age when this happened and lived locally.
The spirit of Lucy has been picked up on numerous occassions in the past.

Nunnington Hall Ghost Hunt Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Nunnington Hall


Nunnington Hall is believed to be haunted by the ghost of Lady Nunnington, whose dress is heard dragging up and down the staircase. When the sound is investigated, it tends to stop. Doors are known to open and slam shut in the dead of night, with no explanation, and the sounds of weeping have been heard throughout the night.

Nunnington is reportedly active throughout, with sounds of children whispering even coming from the attic!

A dark, shapeless mass has been seen in the panelled room, entering the room through a wall, slowly moving over the bed and out of the room through the window. The sound of a terrified scream has also been heard coming from this room. The door has also been known to open and slam shut.

In some of the ground floor rooms, people have often heard the sounds of a party going on, but the sounds can’t be heard upon investigation. Again, children’s voices have been heard, and books have also been known to fly across the room by an unseen force.

Ghost Hunt Richmondshire Museum Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Richmondshire Museum


What will you uncover as we enter the lives of people from previous times, experiencing not just the world they lived in, but their feelings and aspirations.

What was life like for a Georgian child playing in the market place? A harassed Victorian mother looking after large family? A child at the end of the 19th Century on their first day at school, or an evacuee stepping off the train at the start of WW2? Richmondshire Museum is filled with many historic artefacts that have been collected over the years.

Ghost Hunt Elmwood Community Centre Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Elmwood Community Centre


With a tale of a woman suicide told regarding an illicit affair, heartbroken she was found to have hung herself within the building and still resides here looking for her love.
Footsteps have been heard wondering around, is this the maid wondering around looking for her one true love? A lady has been heard crying and screaming out for help.
The sound our children have been heard laughing and running around along with other children scared of something.
Smells of purfume, smoke and TCP have been documented along with Uniformed spirits that lost their lives here.
A secret, dark entity has also been picked up who has a very dark history that will do ANYTHING to keep all the story’s of this historic house a secret.
Growls, snarls, guttural groans, an evil laughter, coughing to name a few verbal sounds have been heard by many.
Reports of being grabbed by unseen hands, cold spots of a huge change of temperature have been noted. Drainage of batteries along with many shadows have been seen.
With a plethora of activity, It’s no wonder that Elmwood is one of our firm favourites and only with LVI Team can you try to uncover the many secrets that reside at this beautiful and historic building.

Ghost Hunt Robert Atkinson Centre Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Robert Atkinson Centre


This once school has many reports of locals of being strange. A figure of a woman wandering the grounds have been reported countless times, footsteps heard on the stairwell and even a story of a witch that was killed by her estranged husband. Her presence has been reported countless times. An angry spirit presence in one of the outer rooms has been reported to even push unsuspecting people off their chairs. An RAF man has been seen wandering in the corridors of this creepy building. Would you be able to last 4 hours inside this reputed haunted location?? What will you uncover when the lights go out??

Ghost Hunt Majestic Theatre Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Majestic Theatre


This huge & foreboding building has seen so much energy enter through its door.
Our EXCLUSIVE location just keeps on giving.
The former theatre, snooker hall and cinema has so many tales of Paranormal phenomena including in the soft play area, that children seen talking to unseen apparitions along with parents also seeing these ghostly apparitions. A story of a hanging inside the theatre and a travelling family who used to perform in the theatre.
Also an negative energy of a man that likes to throw things and shout "GET OUT" at unsuspecting guests & staff.
A dark basement filled with the original boiler furnace holds an entity that likes to throw things and even physically pinch people, is this the negative man or someone else?? Even our staff don't like to visit this dark & foreboding part of the building.
This theatre has so much reported activity, would you brave a full 12 hours inside & bed down in one of the many active areas??


Tees Cottage Pumping Station is a Victorian waterworks in Darlington in the North East of England which began supplying water to Darlington in 1849.
The engines are housed in their own purpose built buildings, dating from 1847 to 1901, in themselves superb examples of Victorian architecture.
This huge location, with access to all areas including the cottage, chain workshop, the 25 ton beam room, beam engine room, gas engine room, boiler room & the smithy & blacksmiths rooms.

Reports of 3 deaths on the site include an unfortunate death of a child who fell into one of the slow sand filters and drowned.
The paranormal phenomena here is rife with staff reporting cold spots, a poltergeist who likes to move volunteers tools moved and then found elsewhere in the building and a very authoritative man in the 25 ton beam room who doesn't like women in the space.
This is a brand new and exclusive location, only with Lone Vigils Paranormal Investigations and you get the chance to visit this huge & foreboding haunted location.


The Old Mill at Knitsley, is a former 16th century flour mill. A girl has been reported screaming towards the water wheel at the top end of the building. Is this a disembodied voice from when it once ran as a mill? Staff have reported keys being moved and found on the other side of the building when locking up. Glasses on the bar have been seen to smash unexpectedly for no reason. Is this poltergeistal activity plaguing the building?
The owners have very uneasy feeling of being watched and don’t like being in the building alone. Previous owners have seen a ghostly figure of a lady.

So join us as we spend 12 hours in a location steeped in history as we go back in time to the Flour Mill.


The Georgian Theatre Royal is a theatre and historic Georgian playhouse in the market town of Richmond, North Yorkshire, England. It is among the oldest of Britain's extant theatres and a Grade 1 listed building.

The Georgian Theatre Royal is Britain's most complete Georgian playhouse. Built by the actor-manager Samuel Butler in 1788, the Theatre was in regular use until 1830 when performances became less frequent. In 1848 it was let as an auction room. Wine vaults were constructed in the pit at about the same time. In 1960 a non-profit trust was incorporated, a public appeal launched and a restoration began. The Theatre reopened in 1963. It is Grade I Listed 'as a building of special architectural or historical interest'. Behind the stage, an exhibition area was expanded in 1996.

What will you uncover when the lights go out??

Ghost Hunt Ragworth Community Centre Join Lone Vigils on a Ghost Hunt at our EXCLUSIVE Ragworth Community Centre


This huge & foreboding building has seen so much energy enter through its doors and is a warren of dark corridors.

Our EXCLUSIVE location has so many tales of Paranormal phenomena including a male presence that is described as malevolent and makes himself known by tightening the throats of unsuspecting guests. His shadow creeps around the centre, accompanied by a heavy feeling, forcing guests to leave the area. The spirit of a little girl is also keen to make herself known to female guests in particular. Wanting to hold their hands for comfort as she wanders aimlessly, looking for her mother. There’s also a long history of paranormal goings-on, with visitors regularly hearing strange disembodied whispering with no discernible source. This formidable location is also known to house dark figures and apparitions, which visitors and staff have witnessed. And staff have found wet footprints when the building has been vacant and no explainable cause could be found!
What will you uncover when the lights go out??